Terms & Conditions

This site was created for the benefit of members of the LMC Buying Group (authorised users) and approved suppliers.

Any information and prices of goods and services contained within its pages were correct at the time the site was last updated. The information in question is the intellectual property of Practice Support Services Nottinghamshire Ltd and is confidential to authorised users and approved suppliers and should not be disclosed to any other person without the permission of the Buying Group or its agents.

The Buying Group and its members accept no liability for any contract willingly entered into by a practice with an approved supplier. Authorised users are advised to check that the terms of any contract with suppliers are not inconsistent with those we have negotiated and are advised to inform us of any discrepancy. We do not, however, accept any responsibility for any member’s failure to check the terms of the relevant contract and the principle of caveat emptor (buyer beware) applies in all cases.

With respect to any services described on this site to which the provisions of the Financial Services Act 2000 might apply, authorised users are advised to seek independent financial advice as may be appropriate.

The Buying Group is administered on its members’ behalf by Practice Support Services (Nottinghamshire) Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nottinghamshire LMC Ltd.

Products & Services