Energy Broker

Energy Broker

Meet Equity Energies (formerly eEnergy)

Equity Energies (formerly eEnergy)

Equity Energies’ objective is to save time, save money and save hassle for our members by providing dedicated account management for all your energy and water billing and metering needs, liaising directly with suppliers on your behalf.

How it works

1. If you’re planning to request quotes from suppliers directly please do this first as this will maximise the savings for your business when Equity Energies start their e-auction process. Please ensure this quote is received no later 4pm the day before Equity Energies run their e-auction.

2. Complete the form on this page (you need to be logged in to do this) to submit a bill/request a quote from Equity Energies. The Buying Group will send your form to Equity Energies.

3. Equity Energies will ask you to complete a letter of authority. The LOA gives Equity Energies authority to request prices from the suppliers, submit contracts and manage any termination or registrations on your behalf.

4. Unless otherwise instructed, Equity Energies will issue a termination notice to your current supplier contract. Please note this will not leave you without electricity or gas, it just ensures you are free to move to a more competitive supplier if required.

5. Equity Energies will then send you a summarised report for supplier pricing for 1-5 years along with their recommendations but it is up to you what supplier and contract duration you prefer.

6. You will be required to complete a supplier contract on the same day it is generated as Equity Energies cannot guarantee the prices will hold beyond this. So please set aside some time to ensure you can consider the prices, make a decision and sign the paperwork.

7. You will need to complete the relevant direct debit mandates (if required) by the authorised signatories on the same day as suppliers can reject contracts based on this.

8. Equity Energies will submit the signed contract and LOA from your business for acceptance by the chosen supplier.

9. Equity Energies will manage your registration process to ensure a smooth transfer of supply should you switch to a different supplier.

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