It only takes one exposed password to wreak havoc

A single compromised identity can put an entire organisation and its network of connections at risk. Cyber attackers have various ways to acquire prized credentials. Techniques such as phishing, keylogging, credential spraying, social engineering and identity theft and more, are all in play, according to the latest research (1).


Just one accidental click on a malicious link in a legitimate-looking email can open the door to an intruder. Furthermore, as the ForgeRock report shows, Healthcare records are valuable and vulnerable since they contain date of birth and SSN information which can be used to commit fraudulent claims for equipment, services, and prescriptions.

Phishing attacks, including email phishing, SMS “smishing,” and business email compromise (BEC), use social engineering to create a sense of urgency to trick people into revealing sensitive information, clicking links that download a malicious “payload” or transferring money to fraudulent accounts.

NHS Patient access app

Ineffective cyber security is a clear and present danger to patient safety in the UK and worldwide, according to the ICL report on Improving Cyber Security in the NHS (2).

Our insurance partners MIAB suggest that you should not just rely on the NHS security alone. In addition, they urge all practices to consider taking out specialist cyber insurance for protection should the worse happen. They can provide insurance that will cover:

  • Cyber extortion or ransomware attacks
  • Third party data breach notification costs
  • Costs to reinstate data or restore programs following an attack
  • Network failure – cover for income lost and additional expenses you incur
  • Legal costs in the event of a third-party breach – occurs from a network breach or privacy/data breach
  • Regulatory legal costs should an investigation be brought against you by a government entity
  • Multimedia liability in the event of a claim arising against you for plagiarism, breach of copyright and piracy
  • Cover for consequential harm and crisis communication in the event of a cyber-attack occurring, resulting in press coverage

Get Cyber insurance cover now to protect your practice by calling MIAB on 01438 730210 or completing the quote form.

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