Practice Nurse Specialist in Diabetes

Job Description

Riverside Health Partnership are recruiting a permanent Practice Nurse Specialist in Diabetes to join their team. The position is available for 37.5 hours per week. The successful candidate will be required to undertake the following responsibilities:

  • To provide nursing services to the practice population by evidence based, quality focused care.
  • To assess, plan, implement and evaluate care.
  • To ensure clear channels of communication exist between clinical, administrative and community teams.
  • To project a positive and friendly image to our patients and other professionals.

All employees are expected to display a high standard of teamwork. This includes cooperating in undertaking the work of absent colleagues or assisting others where the workload is particularly high. Accordingly, there may be a requirement, from time to time, to undertake other duties.

  • To provide assessment, treatment, screening and health education services and advice, working in accordance with set protocols, guidelines and NMC Code of Conduct.
  • Provide nursing service/treatments to patients independently or in participation with general practitioners with reference to aforesaid agreed protocols and guidelines

about the practice

As a practice we embrace new ideas and innovation. Training practice with 7 GP trainees. Great support from PCN staff from the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS). In-house practice pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, with a medicines management team. Excellent and highly skilled nursing team with supportive Nurse Manager. Monthly nurse meetings with support from a GP Partner. Monthly In-house and locality-wide protected learning. High QOF achieving and CQC rated “Good”.

5 GP partners, 7 Salaried GPs and 6 ANPs seeing undifferentiated clinical presentations, performing home-visits.

Retford, market town by A1, <1.5hrs on mainline to London, commuting distance from Newark, Notts, Doncaster, Mansfield, Lincoln, Rotherham and Sheffield. Good schooling and affordable housing, abundance of countryside pursuits.

how to apply

Please email CV/Cover letter by clicking on the Email Your CV button on this page.

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